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شركة متخصصة في مجال الطاقة الشمسية و مستلزماتها. هدفنا إضافة قيمة حقيقية بشكل غير مسبوق من جودة، ثقة و أمانة بأفضل الخامات و أنسب الأسعار Driven from our core values integrity, honesty and trust. We aim to deliver added value through efficient solar power systems, with a wide variation of services and products. Our customers are highly valued we thrive for tackling their daily struggles with increasing costs of energy. We are delighted to guide them through the journey to clean energy as we establish a long term relationship with each client as a member of our big family. #the_solar_charge company We are glad to serve you.

The Solar Charge

مجال عمل الشركة :
مقاولو تركيبات
نظام طاقة شمسية متكامل

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